Why should G give me an A? 4/21

1. My goal for this week was to finish the Zach and Cruz pilot episode (episode zero). 2. I met this goal; I worked quickly in adding sound effects in Premiere. 3. A problem I had was not being motivated to download so many sounds. 4. To solve that, I motivated myself by thinking of […]

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Article Response 3/15

I’m concerned about what will happen to my old website if this disturbing trend of fake news, etc. were to happen to it. If my website suffered a high-profile hack, it could eventually affect my YouTube, Facebook and Twitter accounts. Eventually, the CIA will hack YouTube for me, if it hasn’t already. This problem could […]

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Article Response 3/14

I can’t nail down what user experience design is, either. I displayed my competence by building my own website, which may be updated in college. I still like a 90-minute-a-day college class, as I need free time to practice my skills. Since technology changes so quickly, I don’t know where I’ll be in my college […]

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